Monday, May 23, 2011

Top Toys

Some toys that have remained popular with my 4 (boy and girls) from toddlerhood to tweens:
---Magnadoodle---Imaginarium foam blocks (can't hurt each other!)---playskool ball popper---Sit and Spin---PlasmaCar scooter---Mozart Magic cube---matchbox cars---homemade playdoh and flubber---Connect 4 (age 5 and up)---See and Say Kids Around the World (great for missionaries or churches), with songs and geo facts of many countries, but only a few left on Amazon)---Fisher Price dollhouse, manger scene---play kitchen.
As toddlers, they made simple houses with the blocks. Now they make robots, animals, and spaceships.
Which toys have stood the test of time with your kids?

1 comment:

  1. Anything they can ride and beach balls. Beach balls are my secret weapon. They are small enough that I can fit a spare one in my console and pull it out if we're stuck somewhere and they are getting restless. (Like a hotel room) They are so light that I think it is impossible to hurt someone/something with a beachball. We also love Magnadoodle and that game that spins while you try to catch the fish. Bubbles and sidewalk chalk are also big hits with my family.

    -Rachel B.
