Monday, May 23, 2011

Top Toys

Some toys that have remained popular with my 4 (boy and girls) from toddlerhood to tweens:
---Magnadoodle---Imaginarium foam blocks (can't hurt each other!)---playskool ball popper---Sit and Spin---PlasmaCar scooter---Mozart Magic cube---matchbox cars---homemade playdoh and flubber---Connect 4 (age 5 and up)---See and Say Kids Around the World (great for missionaries or churches), with songs and geo facts of many countries, but only a few left on Amazon)---Fisher Price dollhouse, manger scene---play kitchen.
As toddlers, they made simple houses with the blocks. Now they make robots, animals, and spaceships.
Which toys have stood the test of time with your kids?

Friday, May 20, 2011

HEB Survival--Fruit!

My latest favorite HEB survival technique helps me get both girls in the cart (Gianna, 4, isn't into the cart lately, but being very pregnant means an easier trip on mom if she is in the cart!) and keeps them happy for quite a while. Some of you may know this, but in the produce section there is a little red wagon with apples, bananas, and oranges in it. There is a box labeled $0.25...drop in a quarter per child, they pick out their fruit, and everyone is happy. Oh, and my requirement is that they have to ride IN the cart to eat their fruit :o)

Hope that helps someone!
Emily Ecklund

Thursday, May 5, 2011

About this blog

Did you successfully potty train your child? Tell us about it! How did you do it?

Did you find the secret to making your 2-year-old behave during your entire HEB trip? Tell us about it!

What are your tips for doing laundry?

How do you organize all three kids schedules?

Tell us about it!

And ALWAYS label your posts!
(if you are telling us about the cloth diapers that you love that you have used for both of your kids, type DIAPERS and TWO KIDS in the label box)

Have fun sharing your thoughts!